This zine is all handmade excluding the photocopied images related to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. This zine was created to document a story that relates to specific issues from the late 1800s and early 1900s. It also served as a temporary break from the computer, which is always a great idea. I believe that computers are merely a tool and should only be used as such. Creativity happens when one continuously explores and approaches innovation with an open mind from multiple perspectives.
The main character Rosa is the daughter of Catherine Maltese, a woman who died in the factory fire. The zine focuses on the working conditions at Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, the day of the fire, and the overall affect of the event from Rosa's perspective. Each page was burned to add to handmade feeling as well as reference the fire that took place in the Asch building. Lastly, light washes of gouache were used to emphasize certain elements, especially the interactive elements.